

據統計,超過36歲但依舊能在季後賽拿下至少30分、八籃板以及四助攻的球員只有三位-分別是天鉤-kareem abdul-jabbar(兩次)、巴爵士-Barkley以及德制坦克-Dirk

Bill Baptist/NBAE/Getty Images
Only players over the age of 36 to have at least 30 points, 8 rebounds, and 4 assists in a playoff game: Kareem (twice), Barkley, and Dirk.

— Bryan Gutierrez (@BallinWithBryan) 2015 4月 25日
而 Carlisle則是對於Dirk的表現給予了高評價:「Dirk的表現如此驚人,他有著驚人的意志、他帶給球隊的一切令人驚艷,簡直令人不可置信。」


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Rick Carlisle on Dirk: “It’s the great Nowitzki, man. He’s unbelievable, just unbelievable. Unbelievable heart, unbelievable everything.”

— Bryan Gutierrez (@BallinWithBryan) 2015 4月 25日

Credit: Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Tyson: “Dirk is a warrior. He’s a winner, and he’s always going to go out there and compete. He put us in a position to win the game.”

— Bryan Gutierrez (@BallinWithBryan) 2015 4月 25日


Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Devin on Dirk: “I’m just kind of heartbroken that we couldn’t get a win for him, especially with the effort he put up out there.”

— Bryan Gutierrez (@BallinWithBryan) 2015 4月 25日


「有數以萬計的想法就這樣竄進你的腦海中,是否當時我們作出不同的選擇會有不一樣的結果呢?但是我不會質疑我自己以及教練的決定,Ellis這兩年來成為我們非常依賴的球員。通常情況下他都能憑藉他的切入替我們拿下分數。這兩年來Ellis在clutch time的表現拯救了我們無數次。 」

“There’s a million things afterwards that go through your mind, what you could have done different,” Nowitzki said when asked if he wanted the ball on the final possession. “I don’t allow to question myself or the coach. Monta has been the guy for us these last two years. He just scored on that play with a great drive. I think we live with his results the last two years with being our clutch guy.”


Carlisle said they didn’t get a “great shot” on the final look. “That’s on me,” he said.

— Bryan Gutierrez (@BallinWithBryan) 2015 4月 25日

