

這篇外電是來自Shamsport,作者Mark Deeks是被譽為近年來NBA專欄作家中最了解CBA的一個人,那以往外電比較少談到經紀人的部分,於是就把這篇翻來跟大家分享;另外補充一下,據我了解,國外球員花在經紀人身上的錢,是可以作為支出去核銷收入,因此在算稅前所得時會扣掉,但是台灣因為球員的所得是依照薪資所得列計,薪資所得就沒有辦法像執行業務所得那樣有執行費用去扣抵收入,變成球員花在經紀人身上的錢,並不會變成成本從收入中扣除,等於要被剝兩層皮,這可能也是台灣職業運動經紀人制度發展的困境。


一般來說,經紀人可以從球員議定合約中抽取4%的傭金,事實上這就是依照球員標準合約第三條B項的約定「If the Player receives compensation in excess of the minimum compensation applicable under the CBA for one or more playing seasons, the Agent shall receive a fee of four percent (4%) of the compensation received by the Player for each such playing season, unless a lesser percent (%) or amount has been agreed to by the parties 」,除非你另有約定。

實際操作下來,很少會脫離4%這個約定的,尤其當這個合約牽涉到的是有權勢的經紀人,不過幾年前有個關於Antoine Walker跟他的經紀人Mark Bartelstein的有趣案例,在那個案例中Mark Bartelstein同意了Antoine Walker跟亞特蘭大簽的合約,當從球員的角度來看,如果「經紀人沒有作好工作」,傭金將從標準的4%變成3%,(這個案例最後進仲裁,討論的重點就在於如何定義跟判斷經紀人是否沒有作好,最後經紀人贏了,討回671,373元),不過這個案例很特別,而且是出乎人意料的。

不過,同樣的合約也有著其他的標準,在上面提到的那個條文前的第三條A項有約定「If the Player receives only the minimum compensation under the NBA-NBPA collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) applicable for the playing season or seasons covered by the individual contract, the Agent shall receive a fee of two percent (2%) of the compensation received by the player for each such season, unless a lesser percent (%) or amount has been agreed to by the parties」。




這裡還有另外一種約定,就在上面兩種約定之後的第三條C項「If the Player is a rookie drafted in the first round of the NBA Draft who receives compensation in accordance with the “Rookie Scale” set forth in Article VIII of the CBA, the Agent shall receive a fee that is the higher of: (i)4% of the compensation in excess of the 80% amount that is guaranteed under the Rookie Scale; or (ii) the amount payable under subparagraph (A) above by a rookie who receives only the minimum compensation under Article II,Section 6(b) of the CBA, unless a lesser percent (%) or amount has been agreed to by the parties」,關於第一輪球員可以拿到預設薪資的80%到120%之間的任何數字這樣的規定已經存在很久了,而幾乎所有人都是拿到120%,的確,從我們最多能查到的2002年開始,只有以下的球員沒有拿到120%的預設薪資:

◎Raul Lopez (2001, #24; signed in 2002):
80% in year one, 120% thereafter.

◎Beno Udoh (2004, #28):
80% in year one, 120% thereafter.

◎Yaroslav Korolev (2005, #12):
100% in year one, 97% in year two, 120% in years three and four.

◎Sergei Monia (2005, #23):
100% in year one with incentives to reach 120% [see below], 120%

◎Sergio Rodriguez (2006, #30):
100% all four years.

◎Ian Mahinmi (2007, #28):
80% in year one, 80% in year two with incentives to reach 100%, 90% in
years three and four with incentives to reach 110% in both [see below].

◎George Hill (2008, #26):
120% in years one and two, 80% in years three and four [see below].

◎Donte Greene (2008, #28):
100% in all four years with incentives to reach 120%[see below].

◎James Anderson (2010, #20):
105% in year one with incentives to reach 120%, 105% in year two with
incentives to reach 115%, 107% in year three and four with incentives to
reach 117% in both [see below].

◎MarShon Brooks (2011, #25):
115% in year one, 120% thereafter.

◎Marquis Teague (2012, #29):
100% in year one, 120% thereafter.

◎Dennis Schroeder (2013, #17):
100% in year one, 120% thereafter.

◎Andre Roberson (2013, #26):
80% in year one, 120% thereafter.



