Kobe: 有時你需要在消防栓上尿尿 X 對快艇賽後

1. 在這場之後,林可以確立他控球後衛的威信與職權。能夠在被給予要求後馬上回應並拿出表現,殊為不易。
2. Hill的中距離似乎真的要成為標準武器了,有點意外。
3. Kobe真的老了,最後面對CP3、JJRedick得手率真低,快艇的關門陣容隨便一個6’6搖擺人都可以打成錯位。
4. BG正式成為無死角的妖怪,時移勢易,反而是CP3可以開始仰賴他了。今天在低位簡直歐肥上身,湖人禁區被他一個人殺光,死光槍般精準的投籃也是他難防之處。
5. 三分球投最多的這場,20次,比先前兩場都多了近一倍,分別為10次和13次,打出了目前最好的攻勢,儘管命中率普通只有35%。

Bob Garcia IV ‏@bgarcia90 27m27 minutes ago

Kobe on Lin assertiveness: “You have to be able to assert yourself, especially on a team that I am playing on.Because I don’t want chumps or push overs. If you’re a chump or a push over I will run over you, so it’s important.for him to have that toughness to say ‘you know what I believe in myself. I can step up and make these plays. I can perform. I think that is very very important.You got to put your mark down. At some point you got to piss on the fire hydrant“




繼把CP3說成狗之後,林也被要求去當狗了。教練也把Price稱作鬥犬,這些old school球員真的對狗有種偏好

Bill Oram ‏@billoram 19m19 minutes ago

Remarkably upbeat Kobe Bryant after 118-111 loss to Clippers. Said Lakers “figured a lot of things out.”Asked when he felt so good after a loss, Kobe said, “Probably never.”


Bob Garcia IV ‏@bgarcia90 18m18 minutes ago

Bryant on Lin waving him off late in the game: “it showed he listened. He needs to take control. That is very very important.” #Lakers


Mark Medina ‏@MarkG_Medina 8m8 minutes ago

Lin on Kobe & Byron telling him to be more aggressive: “I’m like every other human. I’ll feel more comfortable when I feel more empowered.”
